Senin, 12 Maret 2012


Hey, who's having a birthday?
Well I'm not gonna say who :P
I'm just gonna say,

Wish you be happy always, smile no matter how hard it is, and long last with your gf!
I'll tell you one thing, you won't realize a moment until it becomes a memory :')
And for me, our memories was awesome :)

Okay, enough chit chat.
I know someday I'll meet you again one more time.
See ya and take care always :)

Definitely (Not) A Good Day

Assalamualaikum o:)
These days I have a very favorite quote idk who wrote it but it's nice.

"A smiling face doesn't always mean a smiling heart."

Well then so I force myself to smile though shit happens :)
And . . . It's fuckin hard aaaa

Today shits happened, I can't tell all but one.
Yesterday I've worked very hard, I studied very hard, I've made the task by myself (which is I've never done that before) while I was studying for my pretest, I slept only 3 hours (one more thing that I've never done).
But, yeah, that didn't work out.
I WAS PISSED! My friend who copied my task just the night before pretest, pass the pretest! FUUUUU!
I guess today was not my lucky day :(
I tried my best to smile with this shattered heart :)
I can through this rough monday, this week's gonna be a piece of cake :P

You know, one song cheer me up tonight.
Listen to this song and you'll never feel so low anymore.
Check this song out :)

Kamis, 01 Maret 2012

Welcoming March

Assalamualaikum o:)
Long long time no blogging, though I've promised to blog more this winter break :P
So sorry, I got caught up in the moment, this was the best holiday so far!

Firstly, let's welcoming March!

New month, new term, new block. Yes. March 5th is my first day of school after a long break :)
I'm kinda nervous of what's gonna happen next, kinda sad of leaving this beautiful break, kinda happy meeting my friends. Well most of all I'm exited to have new experiences in school, can't wait! :)
 March goals:
1. Force myself to study and study
2. Sleep 5-6 hours a day
3. Work out 2 times a week
4. Eat less ._.
5. Sweeping the house like everyday
6. Away from blackberry at class, pay more attention to the lessons that given. And at night where you should be studying instead of blackberry-ing or even sleeping!
7. Control your feelings! You shouldn't be galau like all the time -_____- Chill, your faith's been written cels :)
8. Pray more!!!!! What's the meaning of effort without any prayers :)

I hope I can accomplish my goals. FIGHTING!