Selasa, 27 Desember 2011

Quote of the Day

"As much as I wanna be with you, as much as I want you to be happy without me" :')

Jumat, 16 Desember 2011

Quote of the Day

"They say nothing is impossible, but I guess they were wrong." 


When I miss my mom, I could just call her like asap and tell her everything.

When I miss my dad, I usually bbm him, ask how has he been, shower him with many many attentions.

When I miss my sisters my cats my home, I tell them to go online on skype right away.

When I miss my besties, I just call them or bbm them or texted them.

Simple. Best of all, my mood is boosting, I could study all night long.


When I miss you, like today or yesterday or tomorrow, I can do nothing!
That sucks :(

Sabtu, 19 November 2011

Happy Me Day!

Assalamualaikum o:)

Guess what! Today is November 19, 2011!!
Aaaaah happy me day!! :D
I received so much love from my family and my besties and my friends.
I don't know how to thank them, I love you so much!

My birthday cake!!
Ohh wait! But who gave this?

 They did!!
Tyasa, Mutsar, Ratih, Dasep, and Iman :*
Aaaah thank you so much guys!
I love you, 3 simple words explains everything! <3
I look so so ridiculous with my pajama's on.
Damn you guys!! LOL
At least let me put on my dress and my make up first :P
 Lisa made thisssss!!!!
Aaaaaa thank you so much my twins :*
It's super cute and it's purple LOL
I love you so much and I miss you!

And my sisters made thissss!!
Aaaah thank you so much kiddo~
Love you so so much too :*

This was created by Nuiiiiii!!
One of my besties~
It's also cute and purple!!
Aaaaah thank you thank you so much :*
I can't think of any other words than I love you and I miss you so much!

These are greetings from bbm and twitter.
There are more on my facebook page and many texted me too but I can't captured them so~
I received so much love today, I'm so blessed o:)
Thank you Allah for giving me one more year to live :)
See you next year November 19th!

Rabu, 02 November 2011

Quote of the Day

"If every drop of rain was a thought of you, I'd have every storming cloud in the world inside my head and I'd still miss you."

Happy Birthday!

Assalamualaikum  o:)

Couple months ago three of my best friends were having a birthday!
I didn't have much time to post my childish creation + their parties on my blog.
Btw happy happy belated birthday :D

October 17th, Tyasa's birthday!!
I don't have any pic of Tyasa so I'm using his birthday cake instead :P
It's Amoy (the one who brought the cake).
And Nanda (behind Amoy), Tyasa's girl friend.
She's the one who had an idea to make the surprise!
Aaahh found him! The one inside the red circle is Tyasa LOL
Left - Right : Alpi, Tyasa, Amoy, Iman, Dasep, and Me :)
Ooh I almost forgot, Indra, who's taking this pic LOL sorry.

18th October, Mutsar's birthday!!
I love this pic, it's me and taken by myself <3
*narcissism alert* :P
 That paper actually looks like this :D
Mutsar's parteeeh at Libero's Cafe :D
I should've worn a dress but I left them all in Jakarta so~ LOL

October 25th, Citralikita's birthday!!
Happy happy birthday my dearest childhood best friend :D
Hope this year's gonna be full of happiness for you!

November Wish

Assalamualaikum o:)

Lately I've been so busy with schools and stuffs :|
Finally November came.
November, november, ahh no words can describe how I love november! 

Me me me! Happy me day! Yayness!
Every year I have only one wish, YOU! Yes YOU, Sir!
Three simple letters, one word that describes everything :)

Okay, read this pic and call me drama queen.
 Why yes I am :P
But I can't change this huge feelings I have for you.
What should I do then? :(

Well, enough said.

Senin, 31 Oktober 2011

Poet of the Month

November comes
And November goes,
With the last red berries
And the first white snows.

With night coming early,
And dawn coming late,
And ice in the bucket
And frost by the gate.

The fires burn
And the kettles sing,
And earth sinks to rest
Until next spring.

- Elizabeth Coatsworth

Quote of the Month

"The thinnest yellow light of November is more warming and exhilarating than any wine they tell of. The mite which November contributes becomes equal in value to the bounty of July." - Henry David Thoreau

Minggu, 09 Oktober 2011

Sweet Sweet Memories

Assalamualaikum o:)

Like 11 years ago, I lived in Batam Island.
It was *speechless* no words can explain how amazing it was :)
And last holiday I met my childhood friend, Citralikita.
PS. I hope it's okay to share your pics here Cit >.<

   We met at Margo City on August 22nd for break-fasting ^^
We'd got some difficulties to find where to eat.
Finally we ate Rice Bowl, yumness!
Aww we took this cute photobox :D
There were many cute backgrounds that could be chosen and we chose this! Voila!
BTW thanks for driving me to Tanjung Barat, dear :)

 ROFL! I found this pic on my sister's facebook acount!
Funny funny funny!!
I remember this was our second meeting at Bintan Lagoon on 2001 (I guess) \^^/

I have plenty of our old pics LOL
I'm gonna post it someday when I'm going home :D
Aah I wish I could turn back the time :') 

Why Eight?

Assalamualaikum o:)

Okay I talked a lot about eight yesterday.
Yes yes yes I love eight!
Why in this world do I love eight?
I wasn't born on 08-08 neither my mom nor my dad nor my sisters.
Love confession? First date? Hell no! I don't even have a boyfriend now -..-
If you're wondering (probably not), I'll show you why.

  It started when I was accepted in University of Indonesia.
Like any other college students, I had to re-registered.
My register date was on August 8th 2008 (08-08-08) at 8.00 am!!
How cool  is that?
Well that's just lame but you think that's it?

See see see!
08 was my entrance year, 06 was my faculty number, 39 was my class.
Lastly was my STUDENT NUMBER!! 8000!!
Awesome huh? :D
I'm the chosen one HAHA

Enough said, that doesn't mean anything to you yet it means much for me :)
Accepted in one of the best universities in Indonesia (though I hate studying pharmacy there).
Plus many many eight on my first day! Epic!

Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2011

Eight Eight Eight!

Assalamualaikum o:)

Well since today is still October 8th, I'm gonna post one more thing about eight!
Last month, September 8th, I met my gals! Yayness!
I don't know why we always meet on 8 LOL

Mimi, Corry, Lisa, and Me <3 
 We met at Margo City Depok, then heading to Pondok Indah Mall by bus + taxi.
We freaking love wandering around Jakarta by public transportation.
We met many kinds of bad people, and we always learn one thing.
Life isn't that simple :)

 As usual, we took some pics in a toilet LOL

Random thing happened.
Lisa was doing this kinda pose that (she said) she looks skinnier on that pose LOL
You are amazing just the way you are, dear :D

Later on we had our make up done by Mimi! Freaking Awesome!
Can you see the difference between this pic with the first one? LOL
BTW I'm using this pic as my profile picture on facebook. Love it love it!

Mimi took a pic of me with this dude.
I'm not sure, does he look cute?
Nah I don't think so :|
Overall it was an epic journey! Yay \^^/
Sadly, today is also 8 but I couldn't meet them :(

Happy Birthday!

Assalamualaikum o:)

Last August, I celebrated 2 of my besties birthday yay!
I love making surprises.

Citra's 21st birthday \^^/
I came far away from Bekasi to Cengkareng.
What a long long trip.
Plus I was fasting so it's kinda exhausting.
First, I pick up Nui at Mangga Dua (She bought a cake yay!).
Then we went to Cengkareng by busway.
Lastly we had Pizza Hut for dinner with Citra's family :)
Thank you so much for Citra and family <3

Move on to Wenny's 21st birthday \^^/
It's a day before eid mubarak, so we're not in the same town.
I made this, helped by my sisters :)
So sorry dear if it looks awful, I'm not good at photograph + photoshop :(
I'm still learning, hope next year I'll make a better one, promise!

Aww lastly, I bought this for both of them.
How romantic LOL <3
I hope you guys enjoy the surprises and the chocolates :D

I Love Eight!

Assalamualaikum o:)

In this October 8th, I'm gonna tell a bit about my past holiday on August 8th (08-08-2011).
It's a fasting month, but me and my friend (Lisa) are on our period so we decided to hang out at Metropolitan Mal Bekasi to grab some lunch.

We took a photo box, cute!

Then Mimi came to join us, and we watch Transformers 3!
It was epic!
We took some pics in cinema's toilet LOL

  And in the cinema as well :D

Ohh I love this one, i call it shining-pregnant-woman :|
Why does my tummy look super big -_____-
Trust me guys it's not that big :(
Still I love this pic, looks like I'm under the spotlight! Awrrrsome!

Kamis, 18 Agustus 2011

An Introduction

Assalamualaikum o:)
Welcome to my blog~

My name is Celestia Wohingati. Call me Celi.
I was born in Jakarta, November 19th 1990.
Well you've guested it, I'm an Indonesian :)

I used to be a future pharmacist.
I studied at University of Indonesia for like 2 years.
But then life's changing.

 I'm a future doctor now.
I'm a medschool student at Jendral Soedirman University.
Can't wait to wear that white coat 5 years more!

Aww in this cute pic is my family <3
My dad works in a bank and my mom works as a house wife ^^
I have 2 younger sisters, Sekar and Nadia.

My dearest besties :*
Me with Lisa and Wenny ; Citra ; Nui ; Corry ; Mimi <3
NB: Lisa has a blog, awesome funny blog >> P.A.R.T of my laugh (life)
Corry has one too >> I'm Shirley

I have 2 cats named Moomoo and Abu
 I'm addicted to cats since the day i met Moomoo!
Then last year (2010) I got Abu, aaa what a wonderful life.