Minggu, 09 Oktober 2011

Sweet Sweet Memories

Assalamualaikum o:)

Like 11 years ago, I lived in Batam Island.
It was *speechless* no words can explain how amazing it was :)
And last holiday I met my childhood friend, Citralikita.
PS. I hope it's okay to share your pics here Cit >.<

   We met at Margo City on August 22nd for break-fasting ^^
We'd got some difficulties to find where to eat.
Finally we ate Rice Bowl, yumness!
Aww we took this cute photobox :D
There were many cute backgrounds that could be chosen and we chose this! Voila!
BTW thanks for driving me to Tanjung Barat, dear :)

 ROFL! I found this pic on my sister's facebook acount!
Funny funny funny!!
I remember this was our second meeting at Bintan Lagoon on 2001 (I guess) \^^/

I have plenty of our old pics LOL
I'm gonna post it someday when I'm going home :D
Aah I wish I could turn back the time :') 

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