Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2011

I Love Eight!

Assalamualaikum o:)

In this October 8th, I'm gonna tell a bit about my past holiday on August 8th (08-08-2011).
It's a fasting month, but me and my friend (Lisa) are on our period so we decided to hang out at Metropolitan Mal Bekasi to grab some lunch.

We took a photo box, cute!

Then Mimi came to join us, and we watch Transformers 3!
It was epic!
We took some pics in cinema's toilet LOL

  And in the cinema as well :D

Ohh I love this one, i call it shining-pregnant-woman :|
Why does my tummy look super big -_____-
Trust me guys it's not that big :(
Still I love this pic, looks like I'm under the spotlight! Awrrrsome!

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